Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tiempos Turbulentos

Estamos viviendo tiempos tubulentos.

No paran de llegar malas noticias, lo que creemos que está bajo control, de golpe deja de estarlo y se transforma en un nuevo foco de tormenta. Los sistemas fallan, los planes son insuficientes y los planes alternativos fracasan antes de poder implementarlos. Nadie tiene el panorama completo, ni las máximas autoridades ni el hombre de la calle. Tienen visiones diferentes y enfrentan urgencias distintas. El tiempo apremia pero lo que era importante ayer ha dejado de serlo, hoy hay otras prioridades. Por otra parte la autoridad está desbordada, es limitada y además, cuando se quiere ejercer, limita.

En estas circunstancias, son necesarios nuevos liderazgos. Gente que desde su propia fortaleza y sus debilidades de un paso al vacío, un paso adelante, y haga un contribución significativa a resolver la crisis. Pero en estos casos, no hay una persona o una sola organización que se pueda hacer cargo de todos los desafíos que implica una situación tan compleja. Ya no importa quién está a cargo, quién debería liderar, lo que importa es que las funciones de liderazgo se ejecuten. Porque en estas situaciones aparecen los liderazgos colectivos, donde las distintas personas hacen una contribución significativa, donde los grupos o las sociedades ejecutanla función de liderazgo, es decir, se establecen metas y objetivos, se asignan responsabilidades y se alinea la tropa.

Y para eso se necesita transparencia, confianza, profesionalidad y mucho trabajo.

Lo anterior es producto de un trabajo del Center for Creative Leadership referido al tipo de liderazgo que surgió luego del paso del huracán Katrina por Nueva Orleans. Creo que se adapta muy bien a la situación en la que vivimos nosotros en los Andes y ayuda a explicar el tipo de liderazgo que se necesita en situaciones complejas. Se aplica increíblemente bien ya que nosotros en Los Andes fuimos claramente un caso deLiderazgo Colectivo.

También se aplica al mundo que vivimos hoy. Yo no tengo la solución a la crisis ni mucho menos. Yo solo digo que he pasado por situaciones muy difíciles en mi vida, y que de las crisis podemos y debemos salir fortalecidos. Porque se puede. Pero también es un llamamiento a que cada uno ocupe su lugar y haga esa mínima contribución significativa, y aunque no tenemos todas las respuestas, tengamos confianza de que vamos a salir. Aceptando lo mal que estamos pero sabiendo que vamos a salir adelante.

Con transparencia, confianza, profesionalidad y mucho trabajo.


Anonymous said...

Dear Pedro...I am sorry for the long note

This is the God Honest Truth....

I was told that I had a package for me in the office so when I opened it up, I was thrilled to see your note/picture and within seconds, there was an emergency call from a classroom for a student who was out of control and being dangerous. Since I was available, I decided to go help as the student did not care if the school principal or police were called. I was shocked to see that it was a student, Nathan Wright, who came to me so excited two weeks ago as he decided he wanted to be baptized and become a true Christian. He had his Baptism and since then, he has come to school dressed in a shirt and tie. When I walked into the room, he was out of control and many were afraid of him as he was throwing things and swearing a great deal excuse my language but he kept saying I "I don't give a fuck about anything and they can arrest me. Fuck all of you" It took me a while but I kept trying to remind him about his baptism and his commitment to God which at first made him angry as he said I was using that as an excuse to calm him down but then he listened. It took me 45 minutes to calm him but then he came with me to the school office.

During our talk, he told me that nobody understands his life (he is 1 of 13 children in a difficult house), his stress, problems, etc. which makes him angry. I had your photo/signature in my hand and showed it to him as I told him your story and why you sent the picture to us. Pedro, he relaxed so much as I told him about your MOUNTAIN and that maybe I could help him with his MOUNTAIN. He kept looking at your note and then told me that his problems were nothing like yours but I disagreed and told him that everyone's problems are difficult and we need to do the best we can. Still, your MOUNTAIN is what made him listen and in the end, he was so calm when he spoke to the school principal -Nathan mentioned you so I showed the principal the picture you sent and both agreed that we must deal with MOUNTAINS.

Soon afterwards, I showed your picture to many Grade 9 (first year of high school) students and told them about the letter you sent last May so we went to your Blog so I could show them. At first, there were 3 kids and then there were 10 and even more. They all want to know about you so tonight I purchased 10 copies of "Alive" which they will need to share as there will be many more kids interested in your story.

Pedro, I feel so BLESSED that I found your e-mail address as you have been a GOD SEND to me. Yes, I have been through a great deal but I shared that with you and you helped me help "my kids". That is my GREATEST WISH which is to help "my kids" and YOU have helped me do that so I can never really thank you enough.



Unknown said...

Me ha conmovido profundamente el mensaje dejado por Tim. Permanentemente ésta historia nos sorprende y cada día que pasa se puede ver la magnitud que tiene para ayudar a personas de todo el mundo. No deja de asombrarme que ha pesar del tiempo transcurrido aún tiene el gran poder de transmitir los valores que Uds. adquirieron en la montaña y que gracias a Dios hoy pueden compartir para ayudar a gente de todas partes y de los lugares más recónditos del mundo.
Me alegro de que los chicos de éste colegio puedan empezar a subir su cordillera para llegar a Los Maitenes gracias a su ejemplo.
Un beso grande